Archive for August, 2012

Psychological analysis of Genesis chapter 4!

August 19, 2012

This posting is mainly for people who believe in the story of Genesis. You will gain insight into your relationships from my analysis of the first murder in Biblical history. By the way, I will not analyse what believe in the Genesis means, I leave that to you although it is a key as  to how much benefit you can get from my analysis of the story However, those of you who do not believe in the Bible can still get some benefit from my analysis of why Cain murdered his brother Abel. For both groups, the first thing you have to understand is that the writer of Genesis was human (although highly spiritual) and he or she could have chosen many other psychological reasons than jealoussy for the murder. The fact that he chose jealousy means that in order to improve your relationships you have to take jealousy out of the equation! Human feelings of jealousy explain why more successful individuals, racial groups, ethnic groups, nations, religions, cultures, and wealthy people are usually hunted by less successful ones. There is no question that grilled lamb chops would stimulate more of the six senses in an authority figure than an average offering of brocoli. Now, Cain could have chosen delicious figs and grapes as his offering to God, but even than a ritual offering of roasted lamb with its aroma would beat any grilled or not grilled vegetable. Feelings of jealousy in humans are unavoidable. It is built into all human relationships. The feeling cannot be prevented, but the behaviour of less successful people hurting the more successful ones can! How? Two ways: 1. Education, and 2. strength. If Abel used his knife (he had a weapon he used to ward off animals that try to attack his sheep) to kill Cain in self-defense, history would have been different.  Jealousy may not have been chosen as so powerful a force in relationship to a father figure. A sweating older son, a poor farmer whose  land did not produce quality food, would not have been chosen as the killer and his wealthy younger brother, who raised great sheep with love and care, would not have been chosen as the slain son.

Were you  so immersed in my cute story that you forgot why I wrote it? I hope not. Start by teaching children who do not do well in school not to act out against children who do well (you can’t teach them not to be jealous). Teach children who do not learn as well as others not to drop out of school and start hurting nerds. Teach them to stay in school and take remedial education. Teach children not to be so at awe about authority figures (authoritarian societies don’t achieve). And, finally, teach children who do well in school how to defend themselves physically if attacked. I feel strongly about this because I was a smart and gentle teenager when I was growing up and the bullies always picked up fights with me, stole my lunch box, called me sissy and kicked me out of the basketball team. That is, until I learned the martial arts!

The best thing that you can learn from the story of Genesis, chapter 4, is that if you are a high achieving person learn to defend yourself physically. Others who can’t compete with you successfully will then not hurt you but will choose you their leader. Can you imagine if Abel twisted Cain arm as Cain was trying to murder him, and said, “If you try to kill me again I will break your neck.”

Stop screwing up the Monad!

August 16, 2012

I had a feeling that since the American physicist Dr. Leon M Lederman described Higgs Boson as a “God particle,” every Dick Tom and Harry in Science would hitch a ride on the new bridge between “Science” and “Religion.” I surfed to Google and sure enough I found the start of an intellectual mess.  Monadology and a host of other “stuff” sprang like mushrooms after rain  to carry the “experts” unknowingly light years away from Dr. Wilhelm, Gottfried Leibnitz discovery of the Monad as a cosmic unit of consciousness!.

Dr. Lederman was the director of the Fermi National Accelerator in Batavia, Illinois when he earned the Nobel price in Physics in 1988 for his work on the Neutrino (a neutron particle). He coined the term “God’s particle” to describe the Higgs Boson. If he studied  the size difference between the Higgs Boson (proton particle, physical matter)) and the Monad  (consciousness particle), he would have know that a true “God particle” is a few sextillion times smaller.

Forget Monadology and the other “mushrooming” theories about the Monad and let’s walk to the original source. The Monad is a unit of consciousness that preexisted the “Big Bang” according to Leibnitz, Metaphysics and Parapsychology. The Monad is a spiritual particle if you want to use that term. Monads exist in two qualities, all have self-veracity and purpose. High Monads are the older and flow freely in the universe as Spirits between and within physical particles. What you call Soul is an area in your Frontal Lobe in your brain with meridians to your Pineal gland (Descartes) full with High Monads that give you mental consciousness (animals have only sensory consciousness). Bound Monads are the younger Monads and are subsumed in physical matter (your body, planets, stars, what is “freed” when a person dies).

I salute you if you understood what  I wrote. If you can keep an open mind about this very advanced knowledge, I salute you twice. Living in the year 2012 with knowledge from the 22nd century would not be easy on your social life or perceived academic integrity.

Soul mates marry for a life of happiness!

August 14, 2012

I am a behavioural psychologist. I taught a college accredited parapsychology research course at Rio Hondo College in California for 25 years, one of the few transferable 3 units courses on the paranormal ever taught in  higher education. Most individuals don’t marry their soul mates. After lecture one day Mary came to my office with a question, “Dr. Kinarthy, what do I have to do to find my soul mate?” Other students were interested but couldn’t cross the line from “material I have to study for a test” to “psychic stuff that I can use to help me live better.”

“Mary, do you date?” “Yes.” “Can you act?” “Yes.” “Have you been married before?” “Yes.” “When did you split?” “May 3, 1987.” “Do you date again?” “Yes.” “Good, when you go on a date inadvertently ask your date what he/she did or felt on that day.” The one who says “I was very happy, but I didn’t exactly know why,” may be your soul mate.” “You have to practice it a few times. One student had a bad car accident on September 9, 1996. One of his dates in 1998 cried for no apparent reason when he mentioned that date without the story!” Most of my married students didn’t marry their intended partner and tended to feel that something was missing in their relationships. The theory is simple: An intended soul mate you didn’t meet yet may feel significantly good or bad when something good or bad happens to you before you met. Go for the search and let me know what you discovered!.

Obama has been reelected today and is ready to reshape the world!

August 12, 2012

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney today selected inexperienced Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate. On a Likert scale of electability this selection would be for Romney a “-3” and for Obama’s a “+3” if he keeps Biden as his VP for the second term.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for Obama who will be reelected for four more disastrous years. Mitt Romney’s behaviour as a presidential campaigner is a less dynamic, inclusive and eloquent than Barack Obama’s behaviour but I’d vote for him as the lesser of two evils out of compassion for Israel. On a Likert scale of electability Romney’s poor appeal to voters would be another “-3.”

I am so sure of my psychological and historical analysis that Obama will be reelected for four more years that I will put my reputation as a psychologist on the line. Obama’s Achilles heel will be   his right-wing foreign policy, not his left-wing domestic policy. The losers will be Iran, Israel and Shia Islam in general (Obama’s upbringing is Sunni). The winners will be Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Palestinians and Sunni Islam in general. I am only talking about the next four years, not the peace and prosperity that comes after 2016 when Obama leaves the political scene. That prophecy I leave to Biblical scholars.

Is culture everything?

August 11, 2012

The Olympics are coming to an end. The democratic USA culture with 300 million people dominates the life of Americans with freedom of self expression and big monetary rewards for  desirable expressions. The US athletes won about 100 medals (1medal=3m). The organized and centralized Chinese culture with 1.3 billion people dominates the life of the Chinese people with love for the motherland and personal accolade for desirable achievements but little monetary rewards. Chinese athletes won about 90 medals (1medal=14m). The disorganized Indian culture dominates the life of 1.1 billion Indians with love for peace of mind and the hereafter. India won 2 medals (1medal=550m). Wonderful egalitarian easy going outdoor oriented Canadian culture with 30 million people dominates the life of Canadians with strong freedom of expression but almost no nationalistic financial reward or accolade for achievements. Canada won about 20 medals (1medal=1.5m).  To all the other countries participating in the 2012 Olympics I would say: Look at the number of medals your culture has produced in the 2012 Olympics and guess, (1) Your national pride, (2) Government support, (3) importance of standard of living, (4) cultural organization or chaos, and (5) level of personal satisfaction in living. As with all sociological analyses, this one will be ignored by “loser” cultures blaming “winner” cultures of exploitation of athletic resources.

I would give a “losing” culture one generation (25 years) of good education (yourself and your children) rather than “picking” on other people to become a winning culture. go for it!

The distance from Higgs Boson to God’s particle!

August 1, 2012

My background is Science, Psychology and Parapsychology. I think it would  be supportive of me to enlighten you with my knowledge about the universe we live in. Some of you reading these lines may think of me as arrogant. I welcome your point of view. All authentic perceptions of another person are valid from the position of the perceiver. Someone once said to me “Go to hell.” I responded, “Lead the way, you are the expert on that road map.” The enlightened ones will use my knowledge to start forming a more loving, authentic and useful relationship with God.  Keep your wonderful religious beliefs as they are – based on faith.  They are beautiful to the beholder. We all live with two identities: as believers we recreate the world to fit our beliefs and as scientists we observe the world trying to live in the Bahagavad Gita way, “as is,” in the truth.

Start your journey to Truth from the mirror at home: Most of you see a body you accept but would like to improve, let’s hope all the sounds you hear you like, all your odours are pleasant smells, you touch without pain and taste without indulgence. Now, look inside the body and watch your organs doing their nature’s assigned job with a smile. Get a microscope and zero in on  a cell. Watch how its nucleus divides and study its biochemical structure. Take out a molecule and enlarge it under an electron microscope. Zero in on a hydrogen atom, not only because you want to simplify Quantum Mechanics for better understanding, but also because having an atom in the palm of your hand with one electron orbiting one proton bring you the closest to – Higgs Boson!

Take two protons and collide them in a 27 miles circular Collider. Imagine what would have happened if you collided two cars at the speed of light? You wouldn’t have cars, you’d have tiny particles. The protons disintegrated into Bosons, Quarks, Leptons and a bunch of other subatomic particles. You are a physicist. You study the Higgs Boson and find out that it is about a sextillion of a millimeter in size and it’s job is to create mass for the atom. You get excited because you know that mass (physical universe, your body, etc.) matters to your life. You get even more  excited because a famous physicist jumped the gun and called the Higgs Boson a particle of God.

That is where I come in to clean up the beginning of a mess in Physics moving too fast on the road map to understanding Singularity. The distance from Higgs Boson to a God’s particle is much longer than the distance from a tiny cell to a huge body. Here is the road map: Start reducing the Higgs Boson by a factor of 1 over 270 zeros to get to Strings (theory). Strings are open and closed loops made of free and bound Monads. Monads are units of consciousness studied in Parapsychology (Leibnitz, 1675) (I have been a college professor of parapsychology for 25 years). Monads have self-veracity, purposive life and free will. Monads are the real particles of God, not the Higgs Boson. Free Monads live in your Pineal gland and frontal lobe. They constitute what you call the soul. Bound Monads are conscious constituents of matter. low bound monads are related to dark matter and have something to do with gravity. The important thing for you is to try to be on good terms with your soul and especially consciousness. Don’t get overwhelmed by this information. Have a good life. Wow, this one was a tough one for me to write. God bless!