Archive for November, 2013

Dr. Kahneman said it all!

November 10, 2013

It is frustrating to me that I can’t reach you with 40 years of experience as a psychologist. You have become cynical about on-line information. I want so much, brother and sister, to help you to improve your lives that I decided to approach you through the only psychologist who was so knowledgeable that he “stole” the Nobel Price in economics in 2002 and woke up millions of well-meaning economists to look at their hate of psychologists (psychologists could not publish studies in economic journals for 70 years). I figured out that if you can’t listen to Daniel reaching you the whole thing is hopeless.  You are not what we call mind-full or brain-empty. You are much more unique than that. You are probably so brain washed internally that if you looked at your life 10 years ago you would see how it would look like 10 years from now. You live life of quiet desperation without realizing the full meaning of the word. Wake up!

Dr.Kahneman simply said that if you learn how to make decisions (System 2) your life would improve. If you learn how to assess the risk of making those decisions your life would improve even more. And, if you learn how to ignore System 1 while making those decisions your life wold improve the most. Now, get to work making the right decisions under risk in three ares: Your love relationships, your financial situations and your health.