Archive for February, 2013


February 14, 2013

You are an awesome dude if you can answer the following questions: What’s better for your health?

1. Saturated or unsaturated fat?

2. Polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fat?

4. Omega 3 or Omega 6?

5. Lenolenic acid or lenoleic acid?

6. Can the right fat consumption do all the following things?

Protect your heart ? Arteries? Blood clotting? Eye health?

Reduce depression ? Elevate mood?

Lower inflammation ? Protect liver?

Treat Schizophrenia ? Improve cognition? Reduce Alzheimer?

Reduce cancer, colds, colon cancer, prostate and more?

What are you waiting for? I know you don’t want to be your worse enemy!