Posts Tagged ‘bailout’

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney: Grades C, D and F.

September 7, 2012

My opinion: Twelve years ago you elect George Bush your president. He spends your money and blood to install a “democratic” dictatorship in Iraq that support a next door pre-nuclear Iran (both Shia). Then he borrows money from your future to fight a war in Afghanistan that isn’t making us more secure. He installs third grade classical economic advisers at home that don’t know how to prevent the 2008 recession except by borrowing more of your money to bail out inefficient industries. Then, he leaves the WH and leaves the mess to president Obama to fix. Four years ago you elect Barack Obama as your president with that promise. He continues to spend your money to strengthen the “democratic” dictatorship in Iraq. He brings the troops home and let the Iraqi Sunni and Shia kill each other rather than kill Americans. Now Obama is trying to install a “democratic” dictatorship in Afghanistan so he can bring the American troops home next year and let Pakistanis in hoping that they won’t all kill each other. Then at home, Obama installs the same third grade classical economists that didn’t know how to prevent the 2008 recession – fix it. He starts spending even more of your money than president Bush did.  As a college professor I know how to grade performance. F for Romney and his Republican ideas, D for Obama for his first four years in the WH and C for his next four years in the WH.

Why C and not another D for Obama? Well, something very painful will happen the next four years that I don’t dare tell you about and have you roll your eyes! Wait for president Obama’s unexpected performance during the coming global post-deluvian crisis to know why I changed his grade from a D to a C.  Let me create a story to explain the behavior of Barack and Mitt. Imagine a Biblical flood seen on the horizon. Noah is building an Ark. There are two outside groups watching and laughing, both don’t believe a deluge is coming. Then the flood starts and Noah’s Ark sails away. The Democrats run up Capitol Hill and start building Ark-II. The Republicans stay foot and say the flood will soon stop, so  they build small boats just in case. Noah opens the window after 40 days and sees only Ark-II floating near by. He invites the Democrats into the Ark to celebrate survival and freedom. They have a party. If you know who is Noah in my allegorical story you are very perceptive! Have fun!