Posts Tagged ‘Blood Pressure’

How I reduced my blood pressure.

March 26, 2017

I am not qualified to give advice on blood pressure as a psychologist, may be as a nurse, but probably not. So, I will only tell you what I did tonight to lower the BP and it worked to reduce it from 180/120 to 120/80 and get rid of my tension headache in one hour. I took my blood pressure an hour ago. It was 178/115. I exercise breathing deep and relaxing for half an hour. I took 25 mg Metoprolol from my family doctor and 81 mg coated Aspirin. I took a very warm shower for half and hour and completed my breathing exercise for the other half. My BP is now 120/80 and I am somewhat surprised how easy it was to lower it to normal. I know that I have to do a lot more to regulate my BP, but for tonight that is what I did so I don’t have to go to Emergency Room in the hospital at 10 PM. Again, I was a bit surprised how easy it was to lower my BP with a hot shower. I welcome responses. Eli

Lowering blood pressure with appropriate behavior!

May 10, 2014

I was at a party and my cousin Arni’s best friend asked, “What’s your blood pressure, Elior?” I said, “It used to be high but now it’s around 120/80.” “How did you lower your blood pressure?” he asked. “No problem,” I responded, “First you learn to breathe deep 9 time per minute 5 times a day (watch the video from MCC cancer clinic in Germany for a demonstration on my website, then you force yourself to swim twice a week for an hour, then you walk on a thread mill (4 miles per hour speed at 2.5 elevation) for 15 minutes and finally you eat organic (I grow a fabulous garden to nibble on). I didn’t meet my cousin’s friend again since the party. I hope he listened and I hope his blood pressure is back to normal. A high blood pressure can damage your kidney and give you a stroke. Be good to yourself. You deserved the best.