What’s easier to fix, physical health or mental health?

Mind you, this is a psychological blog by a maverick psychologist, so you’d expect me to say that mental health is easier to fix than physical health. Not true, they are both easy to fix, the only problem is that to fix physical health you have to do something that medical physicians don’t recommend – and that takes a profound shift in consciousness, and to fix mental health you have to do something that psychologists don’t recommend – and that takes another profound shift in consciousness.

What is that something? I won’t tell you right a way because you’d laugh how easy it is to do – and you won’t do it because you weren’t raised that way! But, I can lead you to your own realization as to what to do if you show me that you are really interested in getting the most out of your life and that you can keep an open mind about my ideas about cancer treatment that works, depression that goes away, heart condition that disappear, self-esteem that rises, or what have you.

What I will tell you right away is how to start.  You begin with raising the importance of your life to you from where it is now to 100%! How do you do that? You voice to others and in front of the mirror everyday for a week how great it is to have money, health and happiness. Done! You describe in front of the mirror everyday what you did that day to achieve it: the behaviors that you actually performed that day to get more money, health and happiness. That is your first step. You won’t heal physically or mentally if you don’t love yourself 100%. I won’t tell you the next step if you don’t show me that you are interested in the first step. I don’t waste my time. Meantime, go to Google and find out what is consciousness.



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One Response to “What’s easier to fix, physical health or mental health?”

  1. drkinarthy Says:

    Please explain what you mean by “can’t get your RSS fee to work?” My blog is basic. I allow small decent ads like yours, though, if people respond directly to my posting! I made an exception responding to you, but usually I respond only to direct comments on the topic posted. However, having said that, I do believe in certifying nursing assistants to relieve RN’s of about 50% of their load. How is CNS relates to LPN, LVN, and other sub-RN patient helpers in hospitals?

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